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02 April

Web Filing Annual Return 363s

Companies House Annual Return 363s

Companies House Web Filing Service

Web filing of Companies House form 363s is easy and saves £15 (paper filing costs £30) on each return.

The limited service is only available for the submission of data between 7am and midnight Monday to Saturday.

  1. You need to get a Security Code for each email address you want to use for web-filing. One code is required for each email address but the same code may be used for any number of companies
    1. Fill in the online form

      It's just the email address they want. They send the code to that email address to prove you have access to that email address

    2. Keep the Security Code (that you receive by email) somewhere safe
  2. You need an authentication code for each company for which you want to web-file
    1. Fill in the form online

      They want the Security Code you received by email, it's matching email address and the company's registration number. You will receive, at the registered address a Company Authentication Code in the post. If you web-file before 1600 you can receive the letter the next day, but allow up to three days.

    2. Keep the Company Authentication Code (that you receive by letter) somewhere safe
  3. Web-file
    1. Fill in the form online

      They want the company registration number, the email address, the Security Code and the Company Authentication Code.

      And you'll need a credit/debit card or have an established credit account with Companies House.

      The forms are easy and you confirm accuracy page by page. You can change your annual return date.

    2. Ask for confirmation by email

      The choice is pdf or rtf. rtf might be easier if you wish to include the confirmation in a company report.

    3. Inform the company's officers (board) and any responsible employees or agents (e.g. accountants) as preferred or required.

Posted by DaveSaunders at 15:55 | Comments (0) | Trackbacks (0)