Web Filing Annual Return 363s
Companies House Web Filing Service
Web filing of Companies House form 363s is easy and saves £15 (paper filing costs £30) on each return.
The limited service is only available for the submission of data between 7am and midnight Monday to Saturday.
- You need to get a Security Code for each email address
you want to use for web-filing. One code is required for
each email address but the same code may be used for
any number of companies
- Fill in the online form
It's just the email address they want. They send the code to that email address to prove you have access to that email address
- Keep the Security Code (that you receive by email) somewhere safe
- Fill in the online form
- You need an authentication code for each company
for which you want to web-file
- Fill in the form online
They want the Security Code you received by email, it's matching email address and the company's registration number. You will receive, at the registered address a Company Authentication Code in the post. If you web-file before 1600 you can receive the letter the next day, but allow up to three days.
- Keep the Company Authentication Code (that you receive by letter) somewhere safe
- Fill in the form online
- Web-file
- Fill in the form online
They want the company registration number, the email address, the Security Code and the Company Authentication Code.
And you'll need a credit/debit card or have an established credit account with Companies House.
The forms are easy and you confirm accuracy page by page. You can change your annual return date.
- Ask for confirmation by email
The choice is pdf or rtf. rtf might be easier if you wish to include the confirmation in a company report.
- Inform the company's officers (board) and any responsible employees or agents (e.g. accountants) as preferred or required.
- Fill in the form online